Crazy Hat Day today!
The campers of this week had more crazy hats than last week. Actually, there was a troop which could win the name of "the most CRAZY troop!" I guessed their troop leaders did. When they took off their hats, everyone had a new hair cut! All the boys! Wowwwww! One boy had a "water course" hair cut (about 5 cm wide) crossing from his forehead to his afterbrain. One boy only shaved his hair for one side of his head. And, one boy with Asian face had his head like a Japanese Samurai. Hahaha! To get along with his purple and fuzzy hat. So cute!
Morning class
You bet. I was supposed to teach First-Aid this morning, but we had knots and fire making eventually... Fine, I had a good time today with kids. The kids needed to show us how to make a square knot by using the EDGE method.
Some of the kids were really good at teaching, although they were only 10-11 years old. I was very touched by two kids' conversation then. One of them was too nervous to show me the EDGE, so I said, "relax, and I will go back to you later, okay?" The other boy, who had shown me the EDGE, came to him and started to teach him how to make a square knot. The teaching lasts at least 15 minutes, I was very impressed at the guiding boy's PATIENCE. That's awesome! Finally, the boy learned how to make it with any help. The guide and I were cheering for him! I gave them a small gift from Taipei Confucius Temple. There were some good phrases (in Chinese though) on it. X的,手殘把後面原本打好的英文稿刪掉了!我的天哪!好,反正,孔廟小卡是要鼓勵他們一個是很棒的小老師;一個是很認真不放棄學習的好學生!至於這麼好學生後來我才了解他才剛成為童軍,什麼都沒學過,所以完全對技能沒有一點經驗,我一直鼓勵他繼續嘗試(他後來還學會了雙套、雙半和營繩),希望他不要因為這些小挫折回去以後就再也不當童軍了!
傍晚降旗典禮上終於把所有的"梗"都用掉了:場上說話的人要是說到關鍵字如Announcement, Points, Notes 所有的工人就會上前把那個人團團圍住唱歌做弄他,超好笑的,這個我喜歡~我一定要把所有的歌都學起來。上星期的閉幕營火,有一群小朋友學J說話說到這三個關鍵字之後工人的反應(衝上前去把人包起來唱歌),把大家笑得快死掉了。