My name is Ching-Pei Chen. I have been a scout since I was 10. I am a Scouting teacher in a junior high school.I had a dream, before I turn 30, I want to take part in youth programme for those who are below 30 years old as much as possible. I therefore become very keen to apply. I got my Japanese Working Holiday Visa last year. I tried to find a job on the internet. One time, I mentioned about the visa with Mr. Zhang. Thank to him and SAJ, I got the chance to work in the international department as an OL, office lady afterwards.
I appreciated SAJ for taking care of me so much during my stay in Tokyo from housing, party, and so on. I can say that I felt I was home. I did have very good time in Japan.
In the International Department, I mainly assisted with 2011WSJ, 2015WSJ and SAJ-BSA Friendship Programme. For the first two tasks, I was helping to arrange the document work. I tried to learn new ideas even though the work is very small, such as copying and removing the staple. I realized that Japanese sort their trash very carefully. In Taiwan, when you remove the staple, it’s gone immediately. But here, you can even use a professional tool to take it away and collect it into a holder at the same time. Magic! Isn’t it? SAJ-BSA Friendship Programme was another interesting task. I became licensed Tour Guide one day before I left for Japan. I was so excited that I could guide those American leaders, although I was assigned to guide when I was just having a seat on the bus by Sato san. I don’t know so much about the Japanese culture and the difference of religion, like shrine and temple. Luckily, my colleague had shown me Asakusa temple before, therefore, I could explain how to pray, how to make a wish, how to clean your hands and so on. Not for the history of course.
That was my first time to be in Japan. Besides working, I also tried to experience as much as possible. Here are some pictures taken by me. I like orienteering for example. I went to Chiba to be trained Japanese national team members. Great!
Once again, thank you for giving me the chance to join the programme. I enjoyed being beautiful and neat every day. I liked my work starting with おねがいします and ending with お疲れ様でした。(otsukare sama deshita)In addition, I also liked to compare the cultural difference between Taiwan and Japan. The programmes had widened my sight and had become good memory to me.
Thank you for all!
值得一提的是,我個人想藉這次與日本代表碰面的機會,表達我們台灣對日本地震的關心,我想如果能帶著學生寫些祝福、關懷的小卡片,再交給日方代表帶回國就太棒了。因此我特地於會議前兩天,帶領兩班九年級學生進行臨時特別活動。我們本來就在討論如何防災,這樣臨時的特別活動在承接上並沒有太大的問題。最要感謝的是西湖國中施文老師提供其所做的感人影片,配上淚光閃閃的歌曲,讓學生能頓時心靜思考在關懷小卡上可以寫些什麼鼓勵災民的話語。我另外在黑板上提供一些如We all pray for you, You are in my heart, Never give up等簡短的英文句子供學生們參考。908的學生很可愛,一群男生聚在一起我本以為他們想要趁機作亂,走近一看,原來他們是在拿著電子辭典努力地將中文翻譯成日文!寫卡片的時間很有限,學生們的潛能也因此被開發,課後我拿到好多好可愛又窩心的卡片唷!育亘竟然可以寫出完整的日文祝福最讓我驚艷,不知道是不是我的錯覺,當事務局次長收下同學們滿滿的祝福時,我感覺他很努力壓抑著他的情緒。會議結束兩天後,以前的國際部的同事寫信給我說他們收到次長轉給他們的卡片了,他們會把同學們的祝福再轉送到災區,相信災民們能因此受到鼓舞!日本加油!We are with you!!